TARDIS File 05-07: Amy’s Choice

It’s the Doctor behaving badly and scissors for Rory’s ponytail…
TARDIS File 05-06: The Vampires of Venice

Fill your plate with the ‘fish course’ of the season!
TARDIS File 05-05: Flesh and Stone

The chase continues through the wreckage of the Byzantium, as the Doctor discovers what the Weeping Angels are scared of…
TARDIS File 05-04: The Time of Angels

River Song. The Weeping Angels. A mysterious, shadowy labyrinth. Stir, then simmer, then hide behind the sofa.
TARDIS File 05-03: Victory of the Daleks

For Skaro! For Victory! For the End of the War itself!!!
TARDIS File 05-02: The Beast Below

You are here because you want to hear the truth about this episode. When this TARDIS file has finished you will have a choice, you may either protest in the comments section, or forget and be doomed to read this TARDIS file again..
TARDIS File 05-01: The Eleventh Hour

New Doctor. New companion. New TARDIS. New sonic screwdriver. New title sequence. Same old exciting adventures in time and space…
TARDIS File 04-18: The End of Time, Part Two

It’s the Tenth Doctor’s final curtain call and everyone’s back…pass the Kleenex!
TARDIS File 04-17: The End of Time, Part One

Something is returning out of the dark…He will knock four times.
TARDIS File 04-16: The Waters of Mars

Water water everywhere and just a drop will kill…
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- Fan Myth RIP #1 - Continuity Kills
- Head of the Class
- The Companion Departures Extra: Clara Oswald
- The Companion Departures - #1: Adric
- The Companion Departures - #2: Jo Grant
- The Companion Departures - #3: Victoria Waterfield
- The Companion Departures - #4: Romana
- The Companion Departures - #5: Perpugiliam (Peri) Brown
- The Companion Departures - #6 - Nyssa
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