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New Podcast from DWIN!

New from DWIN! Reality Bomb—the monthly podcast that explores the strange and uncharted world of Doctor Who through its fans.

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Myth Makers Presents: Golden Years
Gold represents something long-lasting, something untarnished and unaffected by the passage of time. Myth Makers Presents: Golden Years celebrates the timeless elements of Doctor Who that have appealed to the show’s followers for half a century. Celebrating 50 years of Doctor Who with DWIN’s fiction anthology, Myth Makers!
And if you are looking to win real gold we recommend playing the online casino for real money no deposit where you can find the latest free spins slots machines to play cash bandits 3!
An important message for DWIN members
Enlightenment will be switching to a digital only publication and membership fees will be ending. Find out more about this important change
New Doctor to be Announced LIVE on SPACE this Sunday!
Who will be the next Doctor? Find out LIVE on SPACE this Sunday at 2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific.
Writer Gary Russell to visit Toronto June 9th
Who Party Toronto Presents:
An Afternoon With Gary Russell
Sunday June 9th, 2013 from noon until 6:00pm
Paupers Pub (second floor), 539 Bloor Street W.
Cost: $15 for the afternoon
On Sunday June 9th, 2013 join The Doctor Who Information Network and Who Party Toronto for An Afternoon With Gary Russell on the second floor of Paupers Pub at 539 Bloor Street West.
The afternoon will feature a Q&A session with our guest Doctor Who writer and Script Editor Gary Russell as well as a live video commentary of a Doctor Who episode that he worked on, an autograph session, a trivia competition and an afternoon of discussions and socializing with other Doctor Who fans.
Doctor Who returns in UK, Canada and US on March 30th!
It has been announced that the final eight episodes of Series Seven of Doctor Who will be airing on BBC1, SPACE and BBC America starting on Saturday March 30th, 2013.
Doctor Who returns in Britain, Canada and US on September 1!
The seventh series of Doctor Who comes to our screens on September 1 at 9 pm on SPACE!
Enlightenment Goes Quarterly
As you’re all no doubt aware, Enlightenment is written, edited and designed as a non-profit venture by a band of loyal fans. Unfortunately, due to the pressures of our volunteers’ day jobs, it’s proven impossible to keep to a bimonthly publication schedule. Read more
Enlightenment Delays
We’ve had a number of queries from members regarding the delayed publication of Enlightenment this year. The DWIN Executive wants to share the following message concerning Enlightenment with DWIN members. Read more
The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe on Christmas Day on SPACE!
For the first time in Canada, the Doctor Who Christmas Special will actually air on Christmas Day! December 25 at 9pm
TARDIS File 06-13: The Wedding of River Song
Following the wedding at the top of an Ancient Ameri-Egyptian Pyramid, you are now cordially invited to attend the reception below…
TARDIS File 06-12: Closing Time
The TARDIS Files are popping in to see an old friend before they have to go…
Myth Makers 16: Pseudoscope Now Available!
What happens when events unfold before our eyes that defy our conscious understanding? Find out more in the 20th Anniversary Issue of Myth Makers - featuring fan fiction and artwork from some of the best writers and artists in Doctor Who fandom. Order Now!
TARDIS File 06-11: The God Complex
Here comes a TARDIS file to chop off your head…
TARDIS File 06-10: The Girl Who Waited
This TARDIS file is intended as a kindness. Please do not resist…
TARDIS File 06-09: Night Terrors
The psychic paper says monsters. Let’s investigate.
Myth Makers 16: Pseudoscope
What happens when events unfold before our eyes that defy our conscious understanding? Is it a dream? An hallucination? An optical illusion? What hidden truths would our subconscious mind perceive? Find out more in the 20th Anniversary Issue of DWIN’s Fiction Anthology, Myth Makers!
TARDIS File 06-08: Let’s Kill Hitler
But before we do that, let’s read the TARDIS File
Let’s Kill Hitler is SPACE’s Highest Rated Program Ever!
Doctor Who tops the ratings chart in Canada with 834,000 viewers watching the premiere of the second half of series six!
Doctor Who returns to SPACE August 27!
Series Six of Doctor Who continues on August 27 at 8pm on SPACE with the debut of Let’s Kill Hitler!
TARDIS File 06-07: A Good Man Goes to War
When a Good Man Goes to War, a TARDIS file is all that you can score….

In the latest issue: Issue 172

In our final issue : Enlightenment reviews the anniversary celebrations! Plus…
- Michael Wisher and Philip Hinchcliffe interviewed
- The recovered Troughton episodes
- News and reviews
Download this issue

To Monthly Archives
Recent Entries
- Jodie Whittaker - the 13th Doctor. Yes, this is for real!
- The Doctor Stands
- There’s a Hole Outside of Your Heart
- Take Your Pict
- The Martian Chronicles
- The Lie of the Land - Including Canada!
- Pyramid Power
- In Extremis
- Blinded by the Light
- The Little Grey Cells
- Skating Away on the Thin Ice of the New Day
- Smile!
- And we’re back!
- Happy 53rd Anniversary
- Top of the Class?