Doctor Who Blog

Starting up again!

Here’s some news we never get tired of reporting on the Doctor Who blog - the commencement of filming on yet another season of Doctor Who! For those who have become fans of the show when the new series started, trust me - this is something that a Doctor Who fan did not take for granted during the 1990’s and the early 2000’s! Everybody looks happy to be back, and I for one will miss Amy and Rory when they do leave.


They’re leaving???


Posted by Rod  on  02/28  at  04:32 PM

At some point, yes (not saying when, since I don’t know the exact answer to that). They are companions after all, and heck, even the Doctors leave at some point.

Posted by Luca  on  02/29  at  01:53 AM

@Rod - yeah, this was announced by the BBC a few weeks back. Exactly when and how has obviously yet to be revealed. The BBC has also confirmed that a new companion or companions will be introduced at some point in the season. It’s been widely reported so doesn’t really count as a spoiler at this point (similarly there were maybe 5 viewers of The End of Time who hadn’t heard Tennant was leaving). What’s the mystery is how they’ll leave and when and I guess if there will be a crossover with the new cast member(s).

Posted by Alex  on  02/29  at  03:58 PM

я покопался немного, нашел этот моментFour o’clock in the afternoon. Flies dead on the pevament. Dogs wet mops in their kennels. Shadows herded under trees. Downtown stores shut up and locked. The lake shore empty. The lake full of thousands of people up to their necks in the warm but soothing water. перевод:Четыре часа дня. На мостовой — дохлые мухи. В конурах комьями влажной шерсти — взмокшие собаки. Под деревьями жмутся короткие тени. Магазины в городе закрылись, двери заперты. Берег озера опустел. Тысячи людей забрались по горло в воду — хоть она и теплая, а все таки легче Я бы, наверное, сказал, что  в конурах мокрыми тряпками лежат собаки ..хотя с другой стороны  собаки то не потеют!

Posted by Anshu  on  06/21  at  08:20 PM

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