Animated Curiosity
In case you haven’t heard or seen, this video clip, featuring clips of a high-quality animated version of Patrick Troughton’s debut story The Power of the Daleks, has surfaced recently. Actually, it surfaced, then sunk and then re-surfaced on youtube. It is possible that by the time you are reading this the link - which I will put here - may no longer work (or at least, the link may work but to a video which is no longer on youtube - you know what I mean).
For now, enjoy it while you can. Even if nothing else comes of this and nothing further was or will be produced, it is still very well done and looks quite professional - and thus is very enjoyable to watch. At the time of writing, no-one (either in fandom or with the BBC) has come forward to claim responsibility. It’s most likely a fan effort done for fun rather than for an official DVD release, but who knows. As the Doctor once said, time will tell - it always does….....
Posted by Luca on Sunday, August 21 at 8:52 pm
1 Comment...
I guess we now know from where this clip came. Hopefully Space will see fit to air The Power of the Daleks.
Posted by David H. Olivier on 09/10 at 10:25 AM
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