Doctor Who Blog

The Ring of Clara

Alien oddness abounds in The Rings of Akhaten, the second episode of the 2013 season. Let us know what you thought of this episode - whether you want to sing its praises or if you walked away from the episode with criticism.


Why didn’t the Tardis translate for JLC in last nights episode?

Posted by bdp  on  04/07  at  01:33 PM

Brilliant observation about the TARDIS translator…  But then, it also didn’t translate the Hath in that spectacular misfire story “The Dr.‘s Daughter”.

Hmmm, I think I just provided my review of this story: a spectacular misfire.

Posted by Steven  on  04/07  at  02:37 PM

I am noticing that on a number of occasions, this Doctor seems to defeat his enemies with a long speech.

Posted by Doug Grandy  on  04/08  at  12:34 PM

I really liked the start. The setup of the new world, the street level interactions, the dialogue, it felt fresh. It felt it was taking risks. So it didn’t end up as well, and there are certainly some bits worth poking fun at (oh! won the day by destroying the sun? seems like a short celebration…), but overall I give it a thumbs up.

Posted by Andrew  on  04/08  at  03:27 PM

It might not have been the very best episode, but I thought it was pretty good. Like Andrew said, it started out really nicely! I think Clara will be a good companion.

Posted by 9, 10, 11 aren't just #s  on  04/13  at  05:38 PM

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