Doctor Who Blog


When I am not busy being a Doctor Who fan and a Doctor Who Blogger, I work as a Communications Manager for a grad school in Toronto. One of the things I do in that capacity is prepare press releases from time to time.

When I produce a press release on anything, it is standard operating procedure that I need to have the permission of anyone I am quoting—regardless of whether the quote is something they’ve said or something I’ve ghostwritten for them. If I did not do that, there would be grounds for a serious reprimand, and depending on the seriousness of the matter, outright dismissal.

Which makes the BBC’s admission that they had not consulted Christopher Eccleston in writing a press release on his departure from the series all the more mystifying to me. This was a major press release. Whatever the situation, whatever the ticking clock, if you don’t have the signoff of the major parties in the release, it borders on either incompetence or negligence or both to put something out in their name.

This is made even worse by the admission that “the BBC ... did not consult [Eccleston] about that statement and also broke its agreement not to reveal he planned to film just one series” This means that even more sign-offs weren’t done: with the drama department, with the series producers, even their legal department.

A gaffe like this is incredibly serious. Because it will come to bite you on the ass. And this time it did.

That press release provoked a shitstorm in the press and online like nothing else. Eccleston was horsewhipped from pillar to post in the media for leaving because of typecasting, even though a number of people over the past week have tried to point out that the “typecasting” reason for leaving was an unattributed remark—it wasn’t even provided as a quote—and that Christopher Eccleston has made no comment whatsoever on leaving the role.

They had good reason to point this out. Because Eccleston didn’t say it. Nor has he given any reason for leaving even still, though we now know it was on the cards since at least January.

In the days that follow, there’s going to be a great deal of sober reflection, but none more sober than the person in the BBC Press Office who started this in the first place.


I find it inconceivable that the BBC would have signed Eccleston if they had prior knowledge of his intention to only make one season. The Corporation has recently suffered severe criticism of the manner in which it spends the license fee (which is payed by every british household which has a television) and therefore it is unlikely that they would have invested so many millions into a show which is so heavily reliant on a lead actor who didn’t intend to stay the course.

I do not believe that the BBC had this prior knowledge. All reports here in the UK were that
the BBC had contracted options to pick up Eccleston for a second season. It was reported from many sources that the BBC were stunned by his decision to leave mid way through production and their hands were forced into making a statement when this was leaked to the press (which made the front page of many newspapers here).

Personally, I don’t care whether he was consulted or not. I think that Ecclestone acted in bad faith and I have every symapthy with the BBC. It’s common knowledge what taking on the role of the Doctor entails (as evidenced by the careers of the actors who played the previous 7 TV doctors)and when you consider that he actually asked for the part it seems pretty bad form to leave so soon (some might say that it was a cynical ploy on his part to capitalise on the publicity surrounding such a high profile relaunch, after all, his career didn’t seem to be going anywhere since he appeared in the Second Coming).

The fact that he hasn’t made any kind of statement is probably more to do with the anger surrounding his decision and the fact that were he to inflame the situation any further it could have an adverse effect up on the success of his future projects. The anger has been so strong, in fact, that the Outpost Gallifrey forums were closed for a few days to allow people to calm down and the press has made its own feelings known, especially The Sun who believe that Ecclestone was “time-lording it over us” and they carried a statement from the daleks saying that they felt his acting was too mechanical anyway grin) lol.

At the end of the day I think it’s a shame that he’s leaving. Personally I think he’s the best Doctor to date.

As for the BBC - well done to them for bringing it back (successfully).

Posted by Tim  on  04/05  at  07:21 AM

I think it’s impossible to make claims of ‘bad faith’ on the part of anyone until we actually hear why Eccleston left. The fact is that we don’t know what happened, or what circumstances behind the scenes prevailed at the end of the day. Which is why sending out a press release that puts words in the mouth of one of the parties is unprofessional and unhelpful in the extreme

Posted by Graeme  on  04/05  at  08:56 AM

All we know is that he was contracted to do one season that he did one season. That’s not called “bad faith” it’s called fulfilling your contract. The only people that can claim to know more than this are the people who have a copy of Eccleston’s contract. Anyone else is just pulling information out of the air.

Posted by Mike  on  04/05  at  10:49 AM

Well, we’re now seeing reports that they’re preparing to refilm the end of the season in Cardiff. This certainly suggests that the BBC were unaware of the change. Regarding the BBC, they were riding high on a success and when the news leaked about his leaving, someone panicked, made a mistake and released the statement without sign-off. To suggest that this is “unprofessional” is a total over-reaction. Are you seriously suggesting that in your school in Toronto no one makes a mistake? And would you think it fair if it were routine to label people in your school as unprofessional for making human errors? As for the fulfilment of his contract, Eccleston has chosen not to comment on the matter and therefore I and others have a right to speculate. And, incidentally, we don’t know that he did agree to just one season. Last year Eccleston himself was talking publicly about 2 maybe 3 seasons.

Posted by Tim  on  04/05  at  03:56 PM

Go to the BBC Doctor Who site’s Video Diaries and click on the Christopher Eccleston interview . In the second segment he specifically says he would be doing Doctor Who “for seven months of the next 2 or 3 years.” As for this reported reshoot they are doing for episode 13 why would they need to do it if they knew in January they knew he was leaving? What about all the licensees that were making merchandise for the autumn and christmas? Were they misled? It seems ridiculous to think that the BBC would do this.

Once they announced the series renewal the question of Eccleston coming back was one they had to answer especially after Eccleston’s subtle hints (subtle like Gallagher smashing watermelons with a hammer). For something like this there was no good time as such. There’s no way they could have held the secret until the end of the series. It was going to happen soon anyway. Sure the BBC Press handled it wrong and that looks bad on them but then it looks bad on BBC TV for casting an actor if they didn’t absolutely committed and locked up. If they didn’t have the contract at their option and Eccleston is completely in the right then the producers really made a huge mistake to take him on on the first place.

Posted by Ryan  on  04/05  at  08:32 PM

The BBC issued a retraction yesterday that admitted that they knew Eccleston would be leaving (for whatever reason) as far back as January before the final episodes of the season were shot.

Posted by Mike  on  04/05  at  09:07 PM

Digital Spy article as follows:

Doctor Who star Christopher Eccleston had promised BBC bosses that he planned to return for another series, the Sunday Mirror claims today.

Eccleston apparently spoke of his plans to play the Doctor “over the next two to three years”, in an interview with the BBC’s Doctor Who website. The interview was taken down after Christopher made his surprise decision to quit.

“I will film Dr Who for seven months over the next two to three years and as long as I’m not too tired I’ll do theatre in between,” he told the website.

The actor has recently been talking to Hollywood producers about major film roles, according to the newspaper.

“Bosses were fuming about Christopher walking out,” a source explained. “He had made a gentleman’s agreement to stay for at least another series. It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.”

Eccleston decided to quit the show in fear of becoming typecast.

Posted by Tim  on  04/06  at  04:59 PM

Dude! There is no official information anywhere in your post. No official BBC comments and nothing from the man himself. If you believe everything you read I have some swampland to sell you!

Posted by Derek Johnson  on  04/06  at  05:25 PM

Hold up there Derek, as I’ve stated previously, the interview with eccleston was online on the official site and seen not only by myself but by others. Unless of course you think that it wasn’t Eccleston but maybe an alien from your swampland disguised as him?

Posted by Tim  on  04/06  at  06:54 PM

Dude! Giving an interview about how long you might be in a job is not the same as signing a contract to do that job. If there was only ever going to be one season with a surprise regeneration ending he’s not going to announce that before the show starts! If they just weren’t sure how many seasons he was going to do they’re goign to keep it all hush hush until a decision is made. We still don’t know if he refused to sign for season two or if they refused to sign him. Why are you so dedicated to running the guy down, did he kill you dog or something?

Posted by Derek Johnson  on  04/06  at  07:13 PM

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