Doctor Who Blog

Record-Breaking Year for Jenna Coleman?

The BBC announced after Last Christmas aired that Jenna Coleman will be back for the whole of the 2015 season. While we have to see if that will be true (at least in terms of the whole season), assuming it is Jenna might possibly be breaking a record for longest run as the “current” companion in the new series both in terms of the number of episodes and calendar years. Jenna has been the new companion since December 2012 (for the moment I am leaving aside the guest appearance in Asylum of the Daleks in August of that year since she wasn’t considered “the” companion at time). She did 11 new series episodes from December 2012 through December 2013, and followed that up with 13 more in 2014.  If she stays for the whole season (let’s say either 12 or 13 episodes, depending on whether they do another double-length episode as with Day of the Doctor & Deep Breath), that will put her at at least 36, possibly 37 new series episodes (and that’s with counting the double-length episodes as one). Billie Piper’s run as the current companion was 27 episodes. Karen Gillan as Amy did 33 (I am including Closing Time and The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe in this run, since they are in the middle of her “era” and she does feature, albeit briefly as both). Neither Freema Agyeman nor Catherine Tate came close close to this, and of course Arthur Darvill’s duration as a companion was shorter than Karen Gillan. Assuming the season ends in November once again, she will also have been the current companion for at least 36 months (December 2012 through to November 2015). As such, if the BBC is true in their word, Jenna will break a couple of records.

When Moffat is involved though, it is always a big “if”.....


Darvill was a companion? I never saw him as more than a nuisance.

Posted by BillI IMHO  on  01/28  at  09:58 PM

I wasn’t fond of ‘The Ponds’ after their first series. If Matt hadn’t been so good, they would have put an end to the’New Who’ for me. And I’ve been Who fan for 30+ years. Go Clara!!!

Posted by Shea  on  02/08  at  06:30 PM

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