Doctor Who Blog

Queen Crimson

Dame Diana Rigg made her first ever Doctor Who appearance last night, and her first ever appearance alongside her daughter, Rachel Stirling. Meanwhile Madame Vastra, Jenny and Strax featured for the third time. Tell us what you thought of The Crimson Horror - a sweet episode, or a did it cause your skin to go red?


Last nights ep. was one of the worst episodes in memory. The plot line was like an ADHD kid with crayons and since when does the doctor condone violence or even death, especially with a smile. Would the doctor Who writing team please rehire Russle T Davies and kill of Clara.

Posted by Louise Maguire  on  05/05  at  09:09 PM

@Louise Maguire

Well isn’t that just like Doctor Who: Fandom can have wildly divergent views on the same episode. I thought this the best episode since the start of series 7. It was FUN, with lots of jokes and great performances from regular, semi-regular and guest stars. For the first time this series my wife (not a fan, but in times past an enthusiastic casual viewer) was engaged!

Of course, the lift off would have burnt everyone to a crisp, but then there are so many impossible elements in any episode of Doctor Who that it seems churlish to pick on any one example.

I also expect Mark Gatiss knows that Herbert Parry’s tune for “Jerusalem” was not written until 1916. But I guess it fit too well with his vision of Gillyflower’s rhetoric and motivation to be excluded.

Posted by Andrew B  on  05/06  at  09:25 AM

divergent views indeed… but someone really does need to hire RTD or maybe get rid of Steven Moffat.  As show runner Moffatt sucks.

Better yet…the BBC should hire back Phillip Hincliffe and resurrect the horror of Doctor Who: that which made us all hide behind the sofa.

Posted by Steve  on  05/07  at  12:35 AM

I think people go on the internet just to complain.

One of the best episodes of Doctor Who this season (The Snowmen was my favorite, and Asylum of the Daleks was pretty awesome too).  So much fun from beginning to end!  I just love Vastra, Jenny and Strax.

Clara is my favorite companion pretty much ever.  I hope she lasts forever!

Posted by Cecelia  on  05/07  at  01:56 PM

A very entertaining, but nonsensical, episode.

Maybe a second viewing would clear this up, but at the end I was left having no idea what the villain’s motivation was for trying to kill/poison the world, or why she kept Clara preserved on display in a big snowglobe instead of just killing her.

Also, don’t you love how on modern Who the Doctor and companion can always be brought back from the dead, or healed of any injury, but any guest character always gets the “I’m so sorry” brush-off. I’m sure there’s a future world or alien planet where doctors could restore the blind girl’s eyesight, but clearly the Doctor couldn’t be bothered.

That said, the Victorian atmosphere and dialogue were enjoyable, the Vastra gang was fun as always, and “Mr Sweet” was hilarious.

And I gotta give props to Diana Rigg, who clearly has no vanity as a performer. I didn’t even recognize her until one of those between-commercials “inside look” BBC America spots talked about her casting. Considering her former sex-symbol status I would have expected her to follow the Helen Mirren route of aging glamorously, but she instead went as hilariously grotesque as possible.

Posted by Curt  on  05/08  at  07:56 PM

it was just great!

Posted by Goedkope drank -horeca goedkoope-goedkoop bier  on  03/14  at  04:10 AM

I have to dowonload it…

Posted by  on  03/14  at  04:11 AM

the Victorian atmosphere and dialogue were enjoyable, the Vastra gang was fun as always, and “Mr Sweet” was hilarious.

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