Doctor Who Blog

The 2012 Timelash Awards - Part Four

Our awards for the good, the bad and the Borad of 2011, the Timelash awards continues. This time the Lashy goes to a publication whom Alex just reported on its cancellation…

The Most Useless Magazine Ever Award goes to Doctor Who Insider, for all the reasons mentioned yesterday and more. But here’s some of mine:

1) It was ostensibly for the North American market but only rarely used North American writers

2) It was more apt to talk about something like Scream of the Shalka rather than talk about something that might connect to North American fans, like the Classic Series run on PBS and the rise of Doctor Who in America in the ‘80s or Nelvana’s attempt to do animated Who in the ‘90s, or why the International introduction was done - anything to situate it within the North American context. The only connection it did was to photograph North American cosplayers. Thanks for that.

3) It assumed that the “North American market” wanted a magazine with prose written like it was for an audience younger than the readers of Doctor Who Adventures.

4) For all the coverage of upcoming episodes, there was hardly any mention of BBC America and Space as North American broadcasters

It was an awful, awful magazine that made me feel faintly embarrassed to be a Doctor Who fan. I’m happy to hear it’s gone.

1 Comment...

The posters were nice, though.

Posted by Alex  on  01/31  at  04:37 AM

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