Doctor Who Blog

Doctor Who Advent Calendar - Day 5

Luca’s Fiendishly Hard Advent Calendar Trivia Contest #1 - the New Series

Here’s the first of a trio of trivia contests from the Doctor Who Blog for our Advent Calendar. Send your answers to (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) by December 12 (and please do NOT put the answers in the comment thread). Also please try not to consult on-line databases (like IMDB) for answers - we’ll have no way of knowing whether you do, but I’m sure Santa will! The first set of correct answers drawn out of a hat will win something. What, we don’t know as yet, so don’t expect a free car or vacation to Cardiff or anything like that, but it will be something!

1. In what episode of Series Six is the nature of the Cybermats first explained?
2. Name two stories set in the future of 2012?
3. What is the name of the Detective Inspector in Planet of the Dead?
4. What did the initials CAL stand for?
5. What is the name of the company that was mining acid in The Rebel Flesh?
6. What is the name of the US President who was murdered live on television on the orders of the UK Prime Minister?
7. “Adam” was the working title for which episode?
8. What was the name of the drug which mutated into a virus and wiped out the population in Gridlock?
9. Eldane is the leader of which race?
10. What was the name of the double-agent working on behalf of the Friends of the Ood?
11. Actor Michael Sheen voiced which character?
12. Who had her leg re-grown in The Empty Child?
13. What episode concerned at attempt to solve the “Skassis Paradigm”?
14. What year is The Vampires of Venice set?
15. What is Lazarus’s first name?


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